Friday, February 20, 2009


Hello All! I am sorry that I have stayed away so long, I was sulking for way too long. But, I have come to the conclusion that as much as this stinks (my blocked tube) it is a good thing that we found it now and have it taken care of so that we didn't waste our $$ on IVF only to have it fail. I am feeling much better about it; now I just want it to be here so we can keep moving forward. The surgery is scheduled for March 20, 2009 (exactly one month).

In answer to most of your question, the doctor has to remove the tube because it is full with infectious fluid and if we keep it in and do IVF anyway the fluids would seep down into the uterus causing the chance of success to decrease by half. It makes the most sense to get me healthy first and not take chances. It's not like we can have children naturally anyway (due to DH azoo).

Speaking of the IF stuff, my DH had a check up with the urologist yesterday to see how he is healing and Thank God he is perfect and allowed to resume to normal activities. He is awesome. It's like he can handle anything. This barely phased him. We both then had an appt with the RE in the afternoon to discuss IVF and for me to get a culture and u/s. I am not going to lie, the protocol for IVF scared the sh*t out of me!!! I am petrified. I am sure that it is not as bad as it seems, but holy cow. I just kept shaking my head saying, "um hum..okay...yeah...okay" while all the while thinking, "Seriously?" I just have to keep my eyes on the prize. :0) The u/s was soo cool. My DH was in the room with me holding my hand while the doctor did it. It was too funny because its the first time ever DH has seen the stirrups in action. His eyes were wide and he just kept watching everything the doctor did. He cracked me up! He was just amazed...and even commented to me after how shocked he was that the doctor put a condom on it. The u/s really amazed me because all I kept thinking was this is what we will be looking at when we see our baby(ies). It really hit me. I can't wait for that day. It really gave me some hope again. This is not even close to being over...time to suck it up and get stronger. We have a baby/babies to make.

I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but I am a smoker. I am not proud of it as I only started when I turned 21. I hit the bar scene and the cigarettes hit me. I always had it in my head that once I found out I was pregnant I would just stop, then and there. Obviously at that point my priorities change. It has been really hard for me to accept that I will never have that unexpected double line after peeing on a stick and hence have been using that as a reason to keep smoking. Well, I am proud to say that as of 11:38am EST I have been smoke free for 36 hours...COLD TURKEY. I have bought the nicorette gum, just in case, but so far have made it through. If anyone has any suggestions on how to get through cravings I would love to hear. BTW, THANK YOU to everyone that has been so sweet and understanding. I really am so happy to have all of you and this wonderful blog.


Jendeis said...

WOO HOO! I am so proud of you for quitting smoking! This is a tremndous achievement and I am wishing you all the luck in the world.

IVF and IF in general can be very overwhelming. It's good to know that you and your husband are really in this together.

Anonymous said...

Ok, that makes much more sense to me now. I was questioning why a blocked tube would prevent IVF. My doctor isn't even performing an HSG...but I'm glad you're feeling better, and like you said you'll now been in tip top shape for the IVF. Keep up the good work with quiting smoking, I've never smoked, but I have the same struggles with food. Ah well, it's always something.

Anonymous said...

That is GREAT that you are quitting smoking!! I don't have advice, but am sending you lots of encouragement and positivity.

Good luck with the upcoming decisions, surgery, and finding your way with the IVF stuff. It is really scary and overwhelming, but it sounds like you have some time to digest and organize everything. It helped me to make a giant binder so I could hole-punch all the test results, receipts, etc. My rag-tag pile of stuff became overwhelming and the binder has helped me keep it together.

Hope you have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

Yay for steps forward!! You can do it, and you're so right....keep your eyes focused on that prize. :) Congrats on quitting smoking!!

Emmy said...

Yay for quitting smoking! I hope that you manage ok.

Also, yay for DH healing well.

I agree, the IVF protocol scares the crap out of me too, and I am nowhere close to it!

Spacey said...

YAY for quitting smoking!!!
I'm glad that things are progressing well and will be thinking of you on March 20th! **hugs**

Erica said...

The IVF protocol looks scarier than it actually is - promise.
Smoking was one of the hardest habits for me to kick. I've been smoke free for over 4 years now. I cheat sometimes (I know, I know) but very rarely. Keep us posted on the surgery. Got my fingers crossed for you.

theworms said...

GL with IVF and quitting smoking! So glad that they found some swimmers, all we need a a few good ones :)