Monday, February 2, 2009

OMG...2 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!

Okay, so we are only 2 days away from the day that will decide our fate for the next few months (or year if we are lucky). I would like to say that I have been handling the anxiousness and stress with grace, but I am definitely losing my mind. UGH! I am scared and excited and scared. What if there is nothing and we have to wait again and do TESE in 3 months? What if they find only 2 sperm? What if they find a lot and here we go into the world of IVF? I am soooo all over the board. I am afraid of how I will react if it is not good. I think DH has that same fear. I am trying to stay as positive as possible. And of course, DH like most men is trying to be the realist and that is killing me. Just think positive damn you!! Imagine what you want and it will be..isn't that the theme of the book "The Secret"? I mean c'mon its not weird that I look in one of our spare rooms that we have decided will be the nursery one day and imagine where the crib will be and the rocking chair, right? LOL I just want this to be it. I don't want to continue wondering about all of the what ifs. I just want there to be viable sperm so we can get going and be parents by next year. I want to be able to say, "Shew..that was one hell of a roller coaster for the last few months and now we can move forward...Thank You GOD!"

My Mom will be coming with us to the hospital on Wednesday which I am very Thankful for. She is just as nervous as I am I think, and she really wanted to be there. I am glad to have someone sit with me while I wait. Even though we will both be feeling the stress at least we will have each other. :0) I am very lucky to have my Mom. She is truly my best friend. Yes, there are times that we don't get along but overall I would be LOST without her. I don't think that I really have ever told her that, I should; I WILL. Trust me, I feel the same about my Daddy too. But, its just different. My Mom and I have a special bond. I talk to her every single day at least once a day. I look forward to having that same relationship one day with my little girl/boy. With some continued positiveness we might have the good news in just 2 days. Oh god, I don't know if I am going to make it. I keep trying to tell myself that the result has already been written in the stars. I have no control over it. I think that is what is driving both DH and I nuts. It will be what it will be and we will have to deal with whatever comes. That sucks!! That is probably the worst part of this...the lack of control. I promise to post as things occur and I Thank all of you for your warm wishes and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I am feeling nervous right there with you!! Those are totally understandable feelings and fears. I said a prayer for you and your DH!! GL and keep us posted!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh! I'm nervous for you! Sending good, calm thoughts your way. None of us EVER has any control, but those of us in the IF world are just more aware of it, aren't we?

Emmy said...

I understand the nerves and can only imagine how I'll feel when I am there! Good luck! I hope they find some good stuff!

Anonymous said...

I can relate to how you feel, it is so scary and out of control. Just remember that if the news is not-as-great as you hope, there are always next steps. Try to take some time and absorb the news, whatever it might be, before making any decisions...I am always too quick to react but after a few days it becomes easier.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you guys, that you find TONS of sperm! Let me know if you need anything!

ME! said...

Wow- only two days!! YEAH! I am praying for you Melissa. I hope it all turns out well. I am happy you have your mother, AND have a good relationship with her. I am very lucky like that too- she just lives 4.5 hours away. :( Good luck girlie!

Leslee said...

Good luck tomorrow. Sending lots of positive vibes that they find sperm! Lots and lots!

Spacey said...

Thinking of you tomorrow and sending lots of positive vibes your way!!!!

Somewhat Ordinary said...

I'm a total control freak so that made IF and azoo that much more nerve-racking! I think that is why I became so immersed in blogs and research because it kept me busy.

Thinking of you guys today and can't wait to hear the results.

Soralis said...

Hope everything went well!