Thursday, May 28, 2009

Let the Games Begin!!!!!!

It's official...I have started my IVF cycle!!!! DH and I went to the RE on Tuesday 5/26/09. The RE did an ultrasound and did some measurements. Apparently my uterus lining is 7 something (whatever that means). He then did a practice transfer. Holy Crap did that hurt. I squeezed DH's hand so hard that I thought I broke it. The RE said that everything looked great and that he managed to completely preserve the ovary on the left even though he removed the tube. God Bless Him!! :0) The practice transfer, although completely uncomfortable, did not last long at all. And, the way I figure it I would much prefer him to know what he needs exactly for the actual one and what he needs to do and for me to have a little pain than for him going in blindly. The nurse then taught us (DH & I) how to administer the Lupron shots. She had me do my first one there in the office. It really was nothing at all. I was so worked up over nothing. The only pain I had was some itchiness at the injection site that lasted all of 30 seconds after.

I currently do 10 units of Lupron at 6am every morning. Tuesday night I didn't sleep well at all. I was tossing and turning all night, but I think that was because I had been so worked up and was finally starting to relax, but yet think about everything that was happening. Last night I similar sleep. Not very good/solid sleep at all. And I woke up at 3am drenched in sweat. I am not complaining though. If this is the worst part, I'll take it. I am not irritable, however I have only done three shots! :0) I let DH do today's shot because I would like him to get used to giving them. This way he is prepared for when he HAS to do them. He was so cute. He was scared, just as scared as I had been the first time and he wanted to do it as quick as possible. We definitely have to work on that. Did I mention I was doing the shots in my belly? The nurse prefers it and I'll tell you, I really barely feel anything. So far so good. Round 1 going smooth!


Melissa Griffin said...

Best of Luck!

Leslee said...

Good luck! Sorry the mock transfer hurt... the transfer the day of will hopefully feel better because your cervix will be softer and more accepting of the catheter. Crossing my fingers for you!!!


Emmy said...

I'm glad to hear that the shots aren't that bad... The thought scares me!

Good luck! I'm hoping for you!

Erica said...

So glad to hear your cycle has begun! I've gotta tell you though - I don't miss the night sweats that come from the Lupron shots! They SUCK! Good luck - hopefully it will get better.

Yay for progress - I've got everything crossed for you. :)