Thursday, June 18, 2009

Trigger Tonight!!

So, I just got the call after my b/w and u/s this morning and the nurse confirmed that I will do the trigger tonight at exactly 9pm! Whoo Hoo!!! I then go to the office in the morning, like normal, for just blood work and then I have to be at the office Saturday 6/20/09 at 8:15am for the retrieval. OMG!!!!!!!!! I can't believe this!!! It is so fitting to go on Saturday the 20Th (it's a lucky day for DH & I) we were married on May 20, 2005. This is so cool. We will be able to tell our children that they were conceived exactly 4 years and 1 month after we were married.

On a side note, the doctor was hysterical this morning. He was running behind, which is not common, so I was willing to wait without being all snotty. He finally came into the room with my absolute favorite nurse (I knew it was going to be a good day) and said, "Good Morning Melissa...alright then, SHOW ME THE EGGS! I don't want the money, I want to see the eggs!" We all laughed pretty hard. I really like him..he is too cute. Anyways, he said my lining was 12mm, and I think the largest follicle was 20x18. I am so excited for this. I hope that I am not in too much pain on Saturday after the ER. What was it like for you guys? The nurse warned that I would be pretty sleepy all day Saturday. Was that your experience? I am also a little concerned about the "cleansing" process. I am told I have to "cleanse" both Friday night and Saturday morning before. I have never done it before, so I am little nervous. Although, there really hasn't been a step in this whole process that I haven't been nervous about beforehand so I am sure it will be okay. HOLY CRAP....MY ER IS IN 2 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Leslee said...

How exciting! Crossing my fingers that everything goes great on Saturday!


ME! said...

SWEETT!!! I am excited for you girlie! I have not made it that far, so I have no words of wisdom. I am sorry! Good luck!

Melissa Griffin said...

Umm I have never heard of cleansing..just not eating after midnight.
THe process itself is not bad and I felt ok actually...I rested for 2 days cause I was crampy and bloated but it is managable!!

OMG, best of luck my dear! All your numbers sound awesome!

Spacey said...

I hope everything went well today and you are in not too much discomfort! So exciting!